[Hack] Dragon Ball Z: Buyuu Retsuden New Voices (Sega Mega Drive / Genesis)
Dragon Ball Z: Buyuu Retsuden New Voices es un hack de Dragon Ball Z: Buyuu Retsuden (1994) para Sega Mega Drive / Genesis creado por KanonZombie que cambia y añade nuevas voces a los personajes de este juego de lucha desarrollado por TOSE (Dragon Quest Monsters, The Legendary Starfy, Ultimate Ghosts ‘N Goblins) y distribuido por Bandai, ampliando su variedad y cambiando gritos genéricos como «Ha!» por el nombre de sus ataques especiales.
El parche para poder jugar Dragon Ball Z: Buyuu Retsuden New Voices se puede descargar desde ROMhacking.net y tiene que ser aplicado a una ROM japonesa de Dragon Ball Z: Buyuu Retsuden con cualquier programa compatible con archivos en formato .IPS, como Lunar IPS o Floating IPS.
Actualización: KanonZombie ha publicado una nueva versión de este hack.
V 1.0:
- Gohan now says “Masenko” when doing his signature move, instead of “Ha!”, in consequence, now says “Ha” when doing a Kame Hame Ha.
- Piccolo now says “Makankosappo” for Makankosappo, and “Ha!” for Gekiretsu Kodan, his other super attack.
- Vegeta now screams “Final Flash” for Final Flash, and “Ha!” for Big Bang Attack.
- Trunks now says “Finish Buster” for Finish Buster, and “Ha!” for Burning Attack.
- Cell now instead of some weird grunt in the original, now says “Kame Hame Ha“, and “Ha” for his Makankosappo.
V 2.0:
- Added Goku’s intro from Super Butoden (”Ossu, Ora Goku…”).
- Gohan now says Masenko just like in the previous version, but the Kame Hame Ha voice is restored.
- Piccolo: added voice for “Gekiretsu Kodan” instead of the “Ha!” sfx.
- Vegeta: added “Big Bang Attack” voice instead of the “Ha!” sfx.
- Trunks: added “Burning Attack” voice instead of the “Ha!” sfx.
- Cell: restored the grunt for Makankosappo (keeping both voices).
- Android 18: instead of “Sora!” for the specials, says “Uttoshine!” (from Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors) and “Jaa ne, bye” (from Dragon Ball FighterZ).
- Krilin: added “kame Hame Ha” voice
- Freezer: added “Ima sugu damara sete yaru zo” for Mega Buster (from Dragon Ball FighterZ and Anime episode 99)
- Rikum: added “Rikum Eraser Gun!” voice.
- In short, every character except Goku and Ginyu now has different and specific voices for each attack (and the intro :D )
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Nunca llegué a comprar el juego pero lo alquilaba cada dos por tres en un videoclub. Buenos vicios que fueron.